Sunday, September 12, 2010

And the stories ensue

Ridiculous series of events:

1.) So the other day we went to get a gyro at 12 in the afternoon. Upon choosing some outdoor eating I looked behind Jimmy to find a child, yes A CHILD, with his choice of drinks being a can of beer. Now this is where you would picture a 9 year old boozing amongst his peers, trying to be all badass and such. Alas, this was not the case. He was meerly haveing lunch and some brews with his father and younger brother. Ohhh what a tragedy. I mean I know that they start drinking at an earlier age in Europe but having a straight up beer for yourself when you're nine is madness. I am in a while new world...

2.) While visiting Hydra we made our way to the bar after eating at a Taverna. Of course the bar was a ghost town because no one goes out in Greece until at least 1am. Seeing as we were there and ready to drink at 11pm wwe made the bar our own personal dance club and this is where the madness began to unfold. First of all, our Savina (our savior) puppy from dinner followed us into the bar and was grooving with us on the dance floor. I was legit dancing with a dog in a bar (first time experience, Otis don't get too jealous I still love you the most). It was fan-fuckin-tastic. Despite the fact that we were dancing with a dog, every person that walked by stopped and stared into the bar probably remarking on the ridiculous Americans that are trying to take over their island. So bar is completely empty at 11pm, and then sometime around 2 or 3pm I look around and the place is fucking packed.... when did this happen??? Where did all of these people come from? And when did they get here? All the more solid proof that I literally must have my eyes closed when I am drunk and dancing. Anyway, amongst the late night (or technically early morning) folks that are now inhabiting the bar is A CHILD. What are with these people and their children. Would you bring your 9 year old to a bar/club at 3am?? I mean, I would hope not. At this point I am just flabbergasted. Gets better. Not only was this little girl there basking in the black light coolness and listening to the bumpin music but this girl was gettin down. She was busting a move on the dance floor. At this point I just felt too awkward to be groovin next to an infant in a bar and so retired to the waters edge. But come on now. Dog in a bar-cool. Child in a bar-not so cool.

3.) Its all Greek to me. So, weird but a classroom list comes in Greek. As I get more and more immersed into the Greek educational system I am realizing how shit out of luck I am that I don't know Greek. No, I'll be fine. But really though, it would be fantastic if I could learn some and learn it FAST~ I can't help but feel useless when a First Grader attempts to ask me a question and I can do nothing but laugh at the fact that I have NO idea what they are asking me. I flat out cannot understand these chillens and their Greek. Two days ago in our dining hall (yes we eat at long tables with the kiddies and kind of serve them) a worker came up to me and just started throwing Greek at me. Uhhhhh......nothing. Not even a clue what she was talking about. As I am trying to tell this women that I have no idea what's going on, while meanwhile getting all red and embarrassed and kind of laughing, a 4th grader at my table translates the message for me. "She is asking you if you want food." ohhhh.... well that makes sense. Not everyday that I get saved by a 4th grader. And yet somehow it feels super backwards that she just had to help me out. I believe I am supposed to be the teacher and I can't understand a simple questions like, do you want food. That's awkward. Oh well. I guess I know what it feels like to be an infant again. Pretty lame...

4.) First day of school. I eat cereal at home. Get to school. Go to cantina and get a bangin apple pastry. An hour later in the Teacher's lounge. Someone had twins and brought in homemade spanakopita, other pastries, cake and a honking jug of wine. FUCK YEA. Of course I eat all of that. Someone else's birthday. Brought in huge chocolates. Can't help myself, eat that as well. Sitting on the couches in teacher's lounge. Want to sleep and maybe throw up. Overall first day of work = a success. Day two: pretty much followed the same guidelines. Let's just say good thing its hilly around here because I might weigh 7,000 lbs when I return if I don't work my ass out.

That's all for now.


  1. hahahahhaha robyn you are ridiculous. keep eating girl, I have to live vicariously through you because I can't afford that stuff in JVC. I love your blog, keep updating! It's been awhile since I laughed out loud reading something so thank you :) miss you so much!!

  2. My job is feeding me well too! Yesterday I got some free Cosi, and today it was Baja Fresh. So FANTASTIC...almost as good as Chipotle...And you know my OBSESSION with that place! I also love Gyro though, and your blogs are making me hungry all the time. I'm pissed I can't go to wawa and pick up the stuff you're talking about. damn.
